Portfolio Selection

Samples of audio book/s

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Dylan's Monologue

Extracts from Music Production Projects

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Belly Full
Swinging Christmas

Extracts of original compositions

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Just a thought
Hortensia Theme 01

Composed soundtracks and underscoring projects.

Soundscape created for original concept based on meditations of Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus.

(Double click for full screen)

My composed Bridgerton underscore entry for a competition organised by Spitfire Audio.

(Double click for full screen)

Replaced original soundtrack of ‘Dust Freight’ used for educational purposes. Only soundscape-no sfx or foley To view the original music and sfx seeĀ  “Freight” by Sava Zivkovic.

(Double click for full screen)

Original music and soundtrack to still cartoon. Artwork of ArtofVero.

Music created by for part of BespokeDiva Windrush Collection

(Double click for full screen)